Benefits of Ambient Ventilation

January 5, 2016

One of the most effective yet often overlooked levers to increase worker productivity is facility air quality. A study examining the impact of indoor air pollution on worker productivity in the United States found a 4.2% improvement in productivity when air pollution was reduced by 10 ppb (parts-per-billion). Additionally, poor indoor air quality causes six added lost workdays per year for every ten employees.

All-in-all, OSHA estimated the annual nationwide cost savings related to increased air quality could be $15 billion derived from efficiency and productivity improvements, cost reductions in operations and maintenance, and reduced incidence of property damage.

Whole-plant ambient air ventilation systems are an excellent way to increase worker productivity through facility air quality. Let’s explore the benefits of ambient ventilation solutions.

Advantages of Ambient Air Ventilation

Manufacturing processes including welding and metal forming create harmful fumes and smoke containing dangerous particulate such as Manganese and Hexavalent Chromium. This particulate can lead to many serious short- and long-term health effects and drive down worker productivity.

To counter these adverse effects, many turn to simple exhaust fans to blow fumes out and make-up air units to pull in fresh air from the outside. This approach is relatively ineffective, highly inefficient and possibly maintenance intensive.

Whole-plant ambient ventilation systems paired with the right source capture equipment create the ideal clean air environment for manufacturing facilities. Ambient air ventilation equipment creates proper airflow to effectively capture and filter particulate. Captured air can be conditioned and cooled during the filtration process before being re-introduced to the plant environment to achieve maximum efficiency.

Ambient Welding Ventilation Systems by RoboVent

Robovent offers a wide selection of manual welding ambient ventilation solutions including custom design and consultation. Our comprehensive engineering service, VentMapping, utilizes computer modeling based on your actual plant conditions to identify and plan the ideal ventilation configuration for your environment.

The ambient air ventilation systems our team might suggest include RoboVent Push-Pull Systems, the RoboVent Vortex System, and the RoboVent Ice System. Each of these innovative solutions have been engineered to create powerful, plant-wide clean air effects to increase worker productivity through health and safety. Explore these systems in detail below, or contact us today to discuss which approach is best for your facility.