Senturion an industrial modular dust collector unit is an air filtration system with a filter cartridge capacity from 12-36 filters...
Senturion | RDC-6X5-30C
Part Number: RDC-6X5-30C
Categories: RoboVent Collectors, Senturion
Applications: Bulk and Powder, Metalworking
Senturion an industrial modular dust collector unit is an air filtration system with a filter cartridge capacity from 12-36 filters and a max CFM of 24,000-36,000 configured for your space and application.
Product dimensions and other info.
Filter Media: Pleatlock M11 Cartridge Filters, Pleatlock A15 Cartridge Filters, Endurex B16 Cartridge Filters
Max Air Flow (CFM): 36000
Input Power: 480V/575V
Motor HP: 75
Dimensions: 135" high, 126” wide, 136" deep
Application: Metalworking, Bulk and Powder
Includes: ePro 7" touchscreen, built in Pulsing System, SafeSensor Particulate Monitor
Weight: 11863
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