Understanding Filtration Efficiency: Filter Selection Guide
What is filtration efficiency, and why should you care? Understanding filtration efficiency will help you pick out the right filters
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 40 CFR Part 63
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP); Area Source Standards for Nine Metal Fabrication and Finishing Source Categories
Five Questions About Ventilation for Laser and Plasma Cutting
If a company is laser or plasma cutting, its management should take a long, hard look at its ventilation practices.
Portable Fume Extraction System Benefits
The Dangers of Weld Fumes The fact is, welding creates hazardous smoke and fumes. From “Metal Fume Fever” to eye, nose and throat irritation,
Weld Fume: Exhaust or Filter?
When it comes to removing the toxic particulate found in weld fume from shop air, there are two options. Option one is to exhaust
The Importance of Measuring Indoor Air Quality
Clean is subjective. Ask ten people what clean air is, and you'll probably get ten different answers. What's not subjective is the significance of
7 Considerations in Industrial Ventilation System Design
Industrial ventilation solutions are like socks. Some elect to grab a six pack of generic tube socks to cover the basic requirements of
Clean Air Safety: Don't Get Left in the Dust
Increased Focus on Airborne Dust Control Manufacturing is a dirty business. Metalworking, food processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, powder coating, woodworking, mining, paper milling, and more
Types of Air Filtration: Source Capture vs Ambient
Why Does Filtration Matter? “Metal Fume Fever”, skin irritation, neurological deficiencies, the list goes on. It's apparent smoke and fumes created through various welding
5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Dust and Fume Collector
Bringing Clarity to the Search for Industrial Ventilation Equipment In your search for industrial ventilation equipment, it can be difficult to properly evaluate a
What's in the air you breathe? RoboVent featured on In View with Larry King
As our manufacturing technologies improve and advance, so must the tools we use to clean the air from those processes. This video, produced by
An Introduction to OSHA Weld Fume Regulations
As crucial as welding is to your business, your health and your employee's health is far more important. Weld fumes are toxic and can
Five Ways Weld Fumes Hurt Your Business
If welding is a part of your manufacturing operation, you already know that welding fumes are unpleasant and unsightly. Did you know that they