Concerns over weld fumes go beyond the normal health and regulatory issues, however. Weld fumes can reduce worker productivity. In the short run, decreased concentration and stamina can be measured in reduced speed and accuracy. In the long run, productivity effects will also be felt through increased absenteeism. Weld fumes can also reduce worker satisfaction and increase turnover. If a workplace is unpleasant or unsafe, skilled workers who have other options are likely to start pursuing them.
An investment in ventilation and filtration systems is an investment in safety and long-term productivity. Taking steps to improve air quality safeguards employee health, ensures regulatory compliance and improves the bottom line. Few investments yield such broad returns in both performance and potential.
Manual Welding Source Capture
Source capture is a proven way to reduce weld fumes where it is needed most. This involves collecting fumes at the point of welding. There are several ways to do this. A fume arm or overhead hood can pull source fumes out of the breathing zone. The added benefit of a fume arm is the ability to pinpoint the source of fumes and ensure welders stay out of the harm’s way. However, a fume arm requires welders to reposition the arm as they work, which doesn’t always happen when welders are in a hurry.
Manual Welding Ambient Systems
Ambient solutions are another way to capture fumes in manual welding situations. These methods clean the air in the general vicinity of the welding operation. A ducted push-pull system is the most traditional of these. Collection points at regular intervals near the ceiling gather fumes and carry them to a central filtering point. Clean air is pushed in through ducts on the other side of the system, creating a flow throughout a building.
Portable Weld Fume Smoke Extraction
Source capture of smoke and fumes from light-duty welding or processes such as cutting or finishing often pose an aggravating challenge. However, source capture is still the most efficient method in these cases to maintain a clean air environment. Stationary equipment is restrictive, and portable units are often ineffective—until now. RoboVent has developed VentBoss, an innovative line of high-quality, portable smoke and fume collectors that are ideally suited to a range of ventilation operations.
RoboVent is your full turnkey resource for clean air in industrial environments. From facility testing and engineering, to installing equipment, providing replacement filters and preventive maintenance, RoboVent is ready to manage the whole process.
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