Blast rooms are an ideal situation for dust collection, and RoboVent’s engineers understand exactly what is needed for a given space and application. RoboVent also understands the regulatory environment and what it takes to comply with each standard. Whether you need a simple, off-the-shelf dust collector for your blast room, or a full consultation regarding a complex situation, our engineers are ready for the challenge.
RoboVent designs and manufactures dust collectors to the most exacting specifications. Units such as those in our Senturion Series are well suited for blast rooms. They offer powerful, efficient blowers and advanced controls. Our proprietary filters can be chosen to match the situation—customized to your blast media, substrates, coatings and so on. No matter the kind of operation, RoboVent can ensure that your workers are protected and that your facility is compliant with regulations.
RoboVent guarantees its products with the best warranty in the business.
Exposure Risks for Blast Room Dust
Blast room operators understand dust and the need to control it. One of the biggest concerns in a blast room is knowing what kind of blast media you are using, as well as the underlying substrate and coatings. Silica, coal slag, nickel slag, garnet sand, steel shot and glass beads are all common blast media. The fine particulates produced from using these media are a serious health risk if worker exposure is not controlled. For example, exposure to silica dust can lead to silicosis, chronic bronchitis and, in the worst cases, lung cancer. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently strengthened its standard for silica dust, so the need to meet tough regulations is more important than ever.
Regulations for Blast Room Dust
RoboVent is your full turnkey resource for clean air in industrial environments. From facility testing and engineering, to installing equipment, providing replacement filters and preventive maintenance, RoboVent is ready to manage the whole process.
Contact one of our industrial dust experts to gain the advantage against dust-generating processes and applications.