Baghouse Filter Styles
Baghouse filters are also known as dry fabric filters and are used to remove dust from the air by capturing particles suspended in the air. The air is directed using either vacuum suction or pressure into a series of ducts, which run horizontally and vertically from pick-up points at single and multiple plant process and nuisance dusting areas. The dust-filled air is then sucked into a main gathering duct trunk line terminating at the air inlet of a baghouse fabric filter.
Cleaning the particles off of the filter is called regenerating the filter bags’ permeability, which removes enough compacted dust cake to allow air to flow again at a low static loss across the filter media. The system depends on a fan or blower to either push or suck the air across the filter bags’ media. This means the filter bags media has a dirty side and a clean side. The dirty side intercepts, filters, and compacts the dirty air stream gases, while the clean side has contact with clean air stream gas as it passes through the media.
A baghouse filter collects dust, gas and air particulates that are released during manufacturing processes. Even when the particle size is very small, baghouses have a particulate collection efficiency of 99% or better.
RoboVent provides baghouse filters for every application from pulse jet to shaker and envelope styles as well as multi-pocket bags. We supply filters for virtually every manufacture’s piece of equipment.
Baghouse dust collectors work well in:
- Environments with airflows are over 1,000 CFM
- Collecting more than a 55 gallon drum full of dust per day is needed
- High-temperature applications for over 375 degrees